
Hello everyone,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. This week, we are going to be reading a book called Beegu. I have emailed you a private link to the story, as it wouldn't really be kind to the author to put their whole book on youtube. Pause the video now and watch the video I have emailed you.

You will need to write today's date and LI in your Home Learning Book. Pause on the next screen to copy the date and LI.

Monday, 4th May
LI - I can plan an information text

This week we will be writing an information text about aliens. For my example, I am going to plan a text about Beegu but I would like you to plan a text about an alien you have made up. Let's start by thinking about what an information text is. Well, the clue is in the name! It gives us information! Does that make it fiction or non-fiction?

An information text is non-fiction. I am sure you have read lots of information texts before, maybe about animals, places or things. We will be working more on how to write the text this week. For today we need to start by designing the creature we are going to write the text about. The first thing we have to do is draw our creature. I've drawn mine, have a look. Pause now to draw your alien. It can have a lot of features like eyes, legs, noses or it can be quite simple. it's probably a good idea to colour it in too. Pause now to draw your alien creature.

Now we need to label some of the features. we should keep this simple by jus using adjectives and nouns to make noun phrases. For exaple; Beegu has 'soft, silky, yellow fur', "three, x-ray eyes' and 'long drooping ears'. Have a look at my example. Pause now to label your alien.

Next, we need more information about our alien. I've divided my sheet into three sections. Home Planet, Diet, Behaviour. Here's my example. Pause now to label your Design Sheet.

Next we need to fill in each section. We can draw pictures of use words to help us. Let's start with Home Planet. In my example, I have said that Beegu comes from the planet Skewp. I have drawn some of the things that you would find on Beegu's planet and written key words like cold, no buildings and quiet because it's hard to draw those things. Pause the video now and try designing a Home Planet for your alien creature.

Next, let's write about our creatures diet. I am going to draw some of things Beegu eats and write down some words and ideas. I have written herbivore because I think Beegu only eats plants, I don't think he eats other creatures. i have drawn some of his favourite vegetables like carrots and broccoli. Pause now and try designing a diet for your creature.

Finally, let's write about his behaviour. I think Beegu is mostly kind and peaceful and quite quiet. I am going to draw some of his expressions and the reasons why he feels that way. For example, I have drawn this sad face for when he misses his grown-ups. Pause now and design behaviour for your creature.

Well, I hope you have done an amazing job designing your creatures. I look forward to you emailing them to me on the school email address. Have a great day everyone. Tomorrow, we will elarn about the diferent types of sentence we can use in an information text.


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