
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the stories I received from Friday's learning. I'm still reading them all but I'll be saying well done to everyone who sent me in a story this week. Remember, you can send me work on classcharts or by the email, the email is the best way. Pause now for a reminder of the email address.

For today's learning, you are going to need to download the file "Introductions Challenge Sheet" and you will need your Alien Design from yesterday's learning. if you didn't do yesterday's lesson, just check your email address for an email called Monday's Learning and you can do that lesson first. Pause now to download the files for today's lesson.

You will also need to write today's LI. Make sure you read it, there's a challenge coming up about the LI in a moment. Pause now to write the date and li.

Let's start with the warm up challenge. There is a list of the four main sentence types but I got the letters the wrong way round. Can you unscramble them for me. It would help if you knew the four main sentences types and there was a reminder of them on the video Features of a Story last week. Pause now to try the Warm-Up Challenge. There is an example on the sheet for you.

Hopefully, you completed the warm up challenge. Remember the four types of sentence are;

STATEMENT - Gives a piece of information or tells us something that has happened
QUESTION - Asks a question, uses a ?
EXCLAMATION - Tells us something shocking or surprising, uses an !
COMMAND - Tells us to do something

Most of the time we would write statements. That"s the same in fiction or non-fiction. We can use all four sentences types to make an introduction, but what is an introduction? Have you heard that word before? Pause now and try to think where you've heard that word.

If you recall, we use introductions at the beginning of a text. They are a great way to tell the reader what the text is about and to get them excited. We are going to write them for our aliens. Here's an example introduction.

Have you ever wanted to learn about an amazing cat? Then, read this fascinating information text right now. It is all about a furry cat who sleeps a lot. What a kooky creature she is!

For your THINKING CHALLENGE. Read that introduction again, and see if you can wokr out which sentence is which. Which one asks you a question? Which one uses an exclamation mark? Which one tells you what to do? What one gives you information? Pause the video to try the THINKING CHALLENGE now.

Well done for completing the THINKING CHALLENGE. Let's check our work together. We start with the QUESTION. Have you ever wanted to learn about an amazing cat? We know this is a question because it is asking us something and it uses a question mark. Next, we use a command. Then, read this fascinating information text right now. In this sentence, we are telling the reader what they need to and giving them an instruction. After that, we use a statement. It is all about a furry cat who sleeps a lot. In this sentence we are giving the reader a little bit of information to make them interesting in reading on. Finally, we use an exclamation. What a kooky creature she is! This tells us a piece of information that is shocking or surprising. We use it here to get the reader even more excited about reading on. QUESTION, COMMAND, STATEMENT, EXCLAMATION. Maybe we could make up a way of remembering that? For now, get your Alien Design Sheet ready for the main challenge.

For our main challenge today we are going to write the four sentences for our introductions. I am going to us my alien design sheet to help me. First I need a question. I am going to ask the reader if they like reading about aliens. I am going to describe Beegu as weird and wacky to make the reader interested. My sentence would be, HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO LEARN ABOUT A WEIRD, WACKY ALIEN?. Next, I need to tell them to keep reading, I will describe my text as interesting because that will definitely make them interested to read on...or maybe I could use a new phrase. What about 'out of this world'? THEN, READ THIS OUT OF THIS WORLD INFORMATION TEXT RIGHT AWAY. Yes, I like that, it's a good phrase for an information text about an alien. Next, is the statement so I need to give some information. IT IS ALL ABOUT A LONELY ALIEN WHO JUST WANTS TO BE FRIENDS. Now, I just need an exclamation something shocking or surprising I think. WHAT A FASCINATING ALIEN SHE IS! Yes, that will defnitely make the reader want to read on.

Let's read the whole thing together;
Have you ever wanted to learn about a weird, wacky alien? Then, read this out of this world information text right now. It is all about a lonely alien who just wants to make friends. What a fascinating alien she is!

What do you think? Does it make you want to read on? Now, it's time for the MAIN CHALLENGE. You need to use your alien design and my model to write your own introduction. You will need to use all four sentences and make me want to read your text. You can see my example o your sheet so i think you are ready to try your own writing. Good luck today and i look forward to reading your introductions when you email them to me.

Have a great day and stay safe!
Mr Deller


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