Descriptive Language

Hello everyone,

Before we start I'd like to say a massive WELL DONE! to Aynie. Aynie sent her story map and, to be honest, I thought it was actually better than my one. Aynie has given me permission to share it with you so if you keep watching all the way to the end of the video you can see Aynie's story map. Well done Aynie!

Let's get ready for today's learning. You will need the have the Descriptive Language Challenge Sheet ready for today's lesson. It has all the activities and examples so it's really important you use it in today's lesson, you will also need your story map, home learning book and a pencil. Pause on the next screen to collect the things you need.

We need to write today's date and LI. Pause on the next screen to write them down. When you are writing, think about what it means to be descriptive. I've definitely heard the word describe before but what does it mean?

I've got a helper for our warm-up challenge today. It's my cat, she is called CatMonkey. I'm sure you know that descriptive language includes adjectives and that adjectives describe nouns. Catmonkey doesn't like to admit it, but she is a noun, in fact she is a proper noun and I would like you to choose ten adjectives to describe her. Pause on the next screen to try the WARM UP CHALLENGE.

Well done for completing the warm up challenge. Did you think of some great adjectives? I'm sure you did. I bet you chose adjectives that described CatMonkey in a really nice way. You can actually choose adjectives to create different feelings about characters. Most of the time CatMonkey is cute, fluffy and kind but sometimes she can vicious, grumpy and cross. What about the catchers in the story? For the THINKING CHALLENGE, I have given you two sets of adjectives to describe the catchers and two categories. HEROES and VILLAINS. You need to sort the adjectives into the two categories. For example; I would say BRAVE is a HERO WORD but I would say COWARDLY is a VILLAIN WORD. You might even put some words like CAUTIOUS in the middle. Pause on the next screen to sort the words I have given you into HERO WORDS and VILLAIN WORDS.

Well done for completing the THINKING CHALLENGE. I hope that has you thinking more about the characters in the story. When I was first thinking about the story, I thought the catchers were clever and cunning but now I'm not so sure. Their plan is always sneaky but not that clever and it never works and the bird outsmarts them every single time. Maybe I should change the adjectives I use in the model text. Perhaps, you could help me. Let's try the MAIN CHALLENGE. Get ready now and I will explain it.

For today's MAIN CHALLENGE, I have included some of the sentences from the model text. I know you all have the model text already and you could just look up the words that I used but my challenge is to swap those words for new ones. In fact, I want you to use the words that we sorted in the THINKING CHALLENGE. For example, in the first sentence I have given you I have used the word sneaky to describe the catchers because I don't think they are actually very cunning. Now, the sentence reads - One day, there lived four sneaky catchers and a beautiful, rare bird. Pause the video now and try the MAIN CHALLENGE.

Well done for completing the MAIN CHALLENGE. Read through your work again. Have you changed the feeling of the story? I think if you change the feeling of the story you can turn the catchers from the heroes to the villains which they probably are as the whole thing they are trying to do is catch a bird. Well done for all your hard work today and make sure you send your work to the school email or class charts. Let's end today's learning by having a look at Aynie's wonderful story map. I have included it in the files for today's lesson so we can use it to write our story tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone and stay safe!
Mr Deller.


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