
Hello everyone,

Today we are going to be learning about adjectives.

Adjectives are words that describe nouns. If you remember, nouns are people, places and things so we often need to use adjectives to give people more information about those people, places and things.

For your first challenge, you're going to play a ten word challenge. Pick something in the place you are right now and use ten words to describe that thing. Remember; it can be a person, place or thing so you describe one of your grown-ups, your kitchen or even your television. See if a grown-up, sibling or someone else in the place you are right now can guess what thing you are describing using your adjectives. I chose something in my house and these are the words that describe it: Can you guess what it is? You can email with your guess to the school email (

small, cute, furry, cheeky, silly, fast, energetic, crazy, hungry, impatient

All of the words you used there were adjectives and you were using them to describe. You can also use adjectives to specify. This is very important when you are giving instructions, information or even in writing a story when it is important to know which noun you are talking about. 

For example; if we were going to play dodgeball we would need a large, round, soft ball. But that ball wouldn't be useful to go bowling, then we'd need a heavy, hard ball. And, I definitely wouldn't want to play tennis with that ball because I'd need a furry, bouncy, small ball. Sports would be very different if we didn't use adjectives to specify the nouns we need.

For your second challenge, I have some sentences that need an adjective to specify. See if you can think of the right adjective to finish the sentence, the first one is done for you. You can email your answers to the school email ( or send them via

1. You need a heavy ball for bowling.
2. You can only fly a kite on a __________ day.
3. You need a __________ pencil to colour The Joker's hair.
4. You should put unsafe things on a __________ shelf.

There's an adjectives quiz to do as well. There is a link below

Have a great day and stay safe!
Mr D.


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