Past Progressive Verbs

Hello everyone,

Today we are going to try something quite challenging, Past Progressive Verbs.

Past progressive verbs are things that happened in the past but are continuous. When we are writing about these verbs, we are saying that they happened and happened continuously. For example, if I say 'The man fed the birds' it means he did just one action of feeding the birds, but if I say 'The man was feeding the birds' it tells us that he was doing this action continuosly. 

You may notice that we change from using the past tense to the past progressive tense by removing using the word was and using the suffix -ing. This is because the word was is used to tell us the action is in the past tense and the suffix -ing is used to tell us the action is continuous. Here are some examples.

kicked - - - was kicking
watched - - - was watching
ran - - - was running

For your first challenge; I have a list of past tense verbs that I'd like you to put into the the past progressive tense, just like I have in the examples. Remember you'll need to use was and add the suffix -ing.

sprinted, jumped, hopped, laughed, talked

For you second challenge; I'd like you to try making some silly sentences with the past progressive verbs you used today or with any past progressive verbs you can think of. For an extra challenge, use when as a conditional conjunction to show something else that could happen during the sentence. Here are some examples;

I was sprinting for the bus.
The bear was jumping in puddles.
I was hopping on one leg when a tiger tried to eat me.

As always, you can email us any work to the school email address ( or you can submit work using, make sure to email if you don't have your login.

Have a great day and stay safe! Tomorrow, I will post some links for good activities you can do online at the weekend.
Mr Deller.


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