Past Tense Verbs

Hello everyone,

Today we are going to be learning about past tense verbs. Remember - verbs are those doing words that we worked on yesterday and past tense verbs are verbs that show something happened in the past.

In the sentence you just read or heard I used the verbs happened and worked as the past tense of happen and work. You might notice that each of those words has the suffix -ed. Adding this suffix is the most common way to show that a verb is in the past tense and happens with words such as crunch, jump, laugh and bowl which become crunched, jumped, laughed and bowled.

For your first challenge, below is a list of words where all you have to do is add an -ed. Try using them in -past tense sentences. If you can use them in a funny sentence, even better! When you've written them you can email them to us using the school email ( if there's any verbs that are new to you - ask someone in the place you are right now to help you find out what they mean using an online dictionary (

jumped, kicked, watched, laughed, wanted, picked, stamped, munched, crunched, turned, played.

For some verbs, you don't only add an -ed suffix, you also have to double the last letter. This happens in verbs such as grab, skip or hop which become grabbed, skipped and hopped. These are words which have a short vowel sound (when a, e, i, o and u don't sound like their letter names) followed by a single consonant (every letter except a, e, i, o, u).

For your second challenge, try putting the list of root words below into the past tense, you will need to double the last consonant and add an -ed suffix. ONE OF THE WORDS IS A TRICK - If you spot my trick you can email it to the school email (

pop, cook, stop, hop, skip, plan, rub, knit

For verbs that end in a e already, you only need to add a -d. These are words such as faced, change or paced. There are even verbs where we change the word altogether such as run, swim and teach. We will learn more about this verbs very soon.

Have a great day and stay safe! Tomorrow, we will learn about past progressive verbs.
Mr D.


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