Plural Nouns

Hello everyone,

Today we are going to be learning all about Plural Nouns. Nouns can be singular, meaning there is only one of them or plural, when there is more than one of them.

For most words, we can show a plural by adding an s to the end of the word. For words like apple, pumpkin or pie we add an s and they become apples, pumpkins and pies.

For words that end with s, ss, sh, ch, x or z adding an es to the end or the word. For words like bus, brush, church, fox or buzz we an es and they become buses, brushes, churches, foxes and buzzes.

For some words, we use a completely different word altogether. For words like person and child, we change them completely and they become people and children.

For your first challenge, look at the table I've made and make your own one in your Home Learning books or using the computer. Then, add the nouns I've written in my list to the right categories. I've done some on my table already to show you how to do it. When, you think you've added everything to the right category, you can email a photo or your work to

Nouns to sort; train, bus, stamp, cake, church, brush, box, pencil, pen, lunch, wish, fizz...and any more that you can think of or find where you are right now.

For your second challenge, read the sentences I've written below and spot the mistakes I've made, there are five mistakes to spot, when you find them you can email them to me or submit them via class charts.

1. The wild girl learnt to fish with the beares.
2. She also learnt to play with the foxs.
3. She didn't like to have brushs to comb her hair.
4. The persons saw her sleeping in a dark, damp tree hollow.
5. Wild animals don't wear watchs.

Have a great day everyone and stay safe! Tomorrow we will learn about verbs.
Mr D.

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