Hello again everyone,
Today we are going to learn about verbs. Verbs are often called 'doing words' because they are words that tell us what someone is or was doing. It can be things like running and jumping that are really easy to spot to things that are harder to spot like thinking or getting.
For your first challenge, I've got a game for you to play with a grown-up, sibling or someone in the place you are right now. You have 1 minute to act out as many different verbs as you can. See how many you can act out and how many the person you are playing with can guess.

For your second challenge, we're going to play A to Z again, except this time you need to try to come up with an A to Z of verbs. They can be this easy to spot verbs like hop or throw or they might be ones that are harder to see like hate or protect. When you've made your list you can email it to us using the email address ( Remember - Don't add suffixes like -ing or -ed because we will be working on those soon.
Have a great day and stay safe! Tomorrow, we will be learning about past tense verbs.
Mr D.