Co-ordinating Conjunctions

Hello everyone,

Today we are going to have a look at co-ordinating conjunctions. It sounds like it could be tough and challenging but it's actually quite simple. In fact, I used two co-ordinating conjunctions in that last sentence. Did you spot them? They were and and but.

And is quite simple. We use it in a sentence when we need to join two ideas together that are linked. They are normally about the same subject. I like football and baseball. In this sentence we use and because they are both things I like. I went to the shops and the beach. In this sentence we use and because they are both places I went.

For your first challenge, try writing 5 sentences using and as a co-ordinating conjunction. See how funny you can make them and email them to ( or submit them via class charts.

The other co-ordinating conjunction we are quite familiar with is but. But is used when we are linking two ideas that disagree, that's why we chose our handsign for but: the ideas bump into each other. They are normally about the same subject or opposite sides of the same subject. I like football but I don't like rugby. In this sentence we use but because they are things I like and don't like. I went to the shops but not the river. In this sentence we use but because they are places I went and didn't go.

For your second challenge, try writing 5 sentences using but as a co-ordinating conjunction. See how funny you can make them and email them to ( or submit them via class charts.

Have a great day and stay safe! Tomorrow we will be learning about subordinating conjunctions.
Mr D.


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