Story Mapping

Hello everyone,

Before we start with today's learning, you need to watch this video of Chris Haughton reading his book 'Shhh...we have a plan'. I won't be showing any pictures from the book in our videos but if you would like your own copy of the book it is available to buy online. Pause this video and watch the author reading his book.

Today, we are going to make our own story map of 'Shh...We have a plan'. You'll need to write your date and LI, pause on the next screen to copy it down.

Monday, 27th April
LI - I can make a story map

We need a success criteria for making a story map. Can you remember what it is? Pause on the next screen and see if you can remember the success criteria for a story map.

If you think about story maps, we need to show what happens, what order it happens in and who it happens to. That's our success criteria. Pause on the next screen to copy the success criteria under your LI.

Includes what happens
Put events in order
include the characters and settings

I'm going to start making my story map and then I'm going to let you finish it off at home. I need to think about what happens in the book, so I'm going to watch the video again. Maybe this is a good time for you to watch it again too. Pause now and watch Chris Haughton read his book again.

Let's think about the beginning. There are four people looking at a bird. They have nets so I think they are trying to catch the bird. One of them has a plan. I could show that with a thought bubble and a lightbulb. Here's my picture.

Next, the smallest person waves at the bird but the other people tell him to be quiet. I think I'll show the littlest one waving and one of the other people telling him to shush. I'll need but in the middle. Can you show me the sign for but? Watch the co-ordinating conjunctions video if you aren't sure. Here's my picture.

After that, the three people with nets, let's call them birdcatchers tiptoe towards the bird. I'm going to draw one of the birdcatchers on tiptoes. I'll draw nets around the bird to show they are ready to catch the bird. I'll need to join the ideas with and. I'm sure you remember the sign for and. Here's the picture for that part of the story.

Now it's your turn to make the rest of the story map. I've made bullet points for the next part of the story to help you. You'll need to do the rest by yourself though! Pause and see those now.

  • The birdcatchers try to catch the bird but he flies away
  • The birdcatchers see the bird in a tree
  • The smallest one waves at the bird but the birdcatchers tell him to shush
  • The birdcatchers climb a ladder and get ready to catch the bird
  • The birdcatchers try to catch the bird but he flies away

Now, you're ready to draw your own story map. You can email me your story map to the school email ( or you can submit via class charts. Tomorrow, I'll share my story map with you so we can compare our story maps.


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