Full Stops

Hello everyone!

Today we are going to work on another feature of writing that is simple but we can sometimes forget: full stops.

We all know what full stops are - They come at the end of sentence to show us when it is finished. Sometimes we forget how important they are. On the next screen I have written some instructions for you without full stops. Pause on the next screen and try to follow them.

Did you get a pencil and write the correct date and LI in your home learning book. If you did, well done! I'm sure you found it harder to follow the instructions without full stops though. That's what they are so important. If you haven't written the date and LI, pause on the next screen and copy them.

Friday, 24th April
LI - I can use full stops

How do we know when a sentence is finished? It's a tricky question. If we are writing statements, a sentence is one thing that happened or a piece of information. I like carrots. That is a sentence with one piece of information. We can add another piece of information that is linked with a conjunction. I like carrots and tomatoes. I like carrots because they are crunchy. I like carrots when I have them for lunch. I like carrots but not carrot cake. We've added more information but it is still linked to the first piece of information. Try adding different conjunctions to the sentence starter I like carrots. Pause on the next screen to see a list of conjunctions.

When do we start a new sentence? That's another tricky question. The best way to know when to finish your sentence and start a new one is when you are changing what you are writing about. I like carrots. They are crunchy, long and orange. In the first sentence, I am talking about what I like and in the second sentence I am describing a carrot. When I change what I am talking about I add a full stop and of course, a capital letter to start my new sentence. On the next screen you will see three pairs of sentence where you have to add the full stop. I have done the first one for you as an example. Pause on the next screen and see if you can add the full stops.

I walk to school the walk is challenging, tiring and long.
I love reading books I always read at least three books a day.
Batman is cool he lives in a big cave under an enormous mansion.

Did you manage to put the full stops in the right place? Pause on the next screen to check your work.

I walk to school. The walk is challenging, tiring and long.
I love reading books. I always read at least three books a day.
Batman is cool. He lives in a big cave under an enormous mansion.

Well done if you put the full stops in the right place. I have a challenge for you. I would like you to make a poster explaining full stops or any of the other grammar features we have looked at over the last few weeks. It can be colour or black and white, made on a computer or handmade, 3D or 2D. You choose! When you're done email it to me on the school email address (yr2@grange.harrow.sch.uk) or submit via class charts. When everyone has submitted, I will choose some to put on the school website.

Have fun making your posters and stay safe!
Mr Deller.


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