Story Writing

Hello everyone,

Today, we are going to be doing our story writing. This video will probably be a bit longer than normal, so make sure to take a break in the middle if you are losing concentration or finding it tough. I am going to try and make it like we are in class doing writing together so remember to give yourselves about twenty to thirty minutes to do the writing, please don't spend hours and hours doing the writing because remember we want quality not quantity.

First, let's get all things we will need for today's lesson. You will need the Story Map Parts 1,2, and 3, the Success Criteria and you will need the word list. You can find those in your email or on class charts. Today's learning is called Story Writing. Pause the video now to collect the things you need.

Next, let's write our date and li. I hope you have a nice, sharp pencil for writing with as there's nothing worse than writing with a blunt pencil. Pause on the next screen, get that pencil nice and sharp and write today's LI.

Let's start by retelling the story again with our story maps. I've attached Aynie's story map to help you. I will try retelling the story myself using Aynie's story map. Pause on the next screen to get the story maps ready.


I don't know about you but I feel really confident that i know what happens in the story. Now, I am going to need to write down some key words that I will need for the story. Normally, in class, you would tell me what words you want and we'd spell them together but today I have given you a word list to help you. If there is anything missing from the word list, ask a grown-up to help you spell it. Pause the video now to read the word list.

Next, I should check the Success Criteria. Luckily, we made one together in our learning earlier this week. If you didn't watch Features of a Story now would be a great time to do so. Let's check the success criteria together to make sure we understand it all.


The next stage is modelling. Normally, you would help me to make a good example of writing. I don't have you to help me today so it probably won't be as good. The video will change to show my screen next. I am using the word list and story map to help me write so make sure you do that too.


Now, it's your turn. Remember to follow your story map, write in full sentences with capital letters and talk, write, check. I hope you have lots of fun doing your writing today, I can't wait to read it. You can email your work to the school email address or you can submit via class charts.

Have a great weekend and stay safe!
Mr Deller.


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