Indefinite Articles
Hello everyone,
I hope you've had some fun during the school holidays and that you stayed safe.
Today, we are going to learn about indefinite articles. It sounds tricky but it's actually just the proper name for something you already know a and an.
These are called indefinite articles because the noun they are related to is not specific. If I ask you to get a pencil, it doesn't matter which pencil you get. Just like if I ask you to get a piece of paper, it really doesn't matter which one.
Most of the time we can use a as our indefinite article. In fact, any word that starts with a consonant or consonant sound can have a as its indefinite article. Just a reminder, the consonants are B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z.
Sometimes we use an as our indefinite article. In fact, any words that start with a vowel or a vowel sound can have an as its indefinite article. Just a reminder, the vowels are A, E, I, O, U.

Sometimes, the noun you are adding an article to might have an adjective before it. An example of this might be a shiny bottle, interesting magazine or blue balloon. If that is the case, we must look at the word before the noun when we are choosing an indefinite article. For example; we would use an as the indefinite article for an interesting magazine because the word interesting starts with I which is a vowel.

Have a lovely day and stay safe!
Mr Deller.