Using Conjunctions

Hello everyone,

Before we start, I would like to say a massive well done to Joseph, Deanna and Amy for all the amazing work they've been doing. I'm going to start giving points on class charts as well for amazing work so make sure you login to class charts to see how many points you have. Joseph, Deanna and Amy have been emailing us work every single day to check on the school email address (

Today, we are going to be looking at conjunctions. You will need the Conjunctions Challenge Sheet. You should have received this on your email but if you haven't you can get it from class charts. This lesson is called Using Conjunctions. Pause on the next screen to make sure you have all the documents you need.

You will also need to write today's date and LI in your home learning book, on a piece of paper or in a word document. Pause on the next screen to see the date and LI.

Let's warm up with a little recap of what we've been working on this week. We should start every learning task by retelling the story we have been studying; Shhh! I have a plan. Use your story map to retell the story again. Remember you can act out the story with a grown-up, sibling or someone who is in the house with you. As with all work, it's especially good if you can email it to me or submit via class charts. Pause on the next screen to act out the story.

Today, we are going to practise using conjunctions again. Conjunctions are great to use in stories. If we don't use them our sentences can be boring. One da, there lived three catchers. There was a bird. The little catcher waved at the bird. The big catchers told the little catcher to be quiet. It's very boring. Instead, we can add add conjunctions to explain, add information, show when things are opposite, tell what happens next. Conjunctions are great for making our writing more like a story.

Let's remember our conjunctions signs. We have AND that joins two ideas together. We have BUT to show opposing ideas. We have BECAUSE, remember that one goes backwards. We have SO, remember that one goes forwards. We have OR, which is offering something different. We have WHEN, which tells you when something is true. The only one we don't have is IF. I have a challenge for you, film yourself making a sign for IF (or you can draw a picture) send it to the school email before Friday and I will choose the winning IF to be the IF sign for the rest of the year! Pause on the next screen to practise your conjunctions signs, and see if you can make up a good sign for IF.

We're going to warm up by doing Challenge One, from the document Conjunctions Challenge Sheet. In this challenge, there are six sentences. They are all taken from the story. You need to choose the right conjunction for each sentence. The first one is done for you. Pause the video on the next screen to try challenge one.

Well done for doing Challenge One. The answers were WHEN, AND, BECAUSE, BUT, SO. If you didn't get them correct and found the challenge really hard stop this video now and watch the SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS and CO-ORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS videos, then try again. Pause the video now to check your work.

If you look at the story map you drew and the model text from yesterday's learning,  you'll realise we need to use a lot of conjunctions to tell this story. How many did you count in the model? must have been a lot I'm sure. Pause the video now so you can count the conjunctions.

It's time for use to try challenge two. if you look on the sheet you will see six sets of sentences from the model text. They need to be smashed together with a conjunction used in the middle. Sometimes you will have to take a few words away too or it won't make sense. For example; One day there lived four cunning catchers. One day there lived a beautiful rare bird. we are going to put those idea together because they link, we will use and as they are both about the same subject: things that lived one day. When we smash them together; we don't need to say one day there lived twice - that would just sounds really, really weird. So instead we will just use and. One day there lived four cunning catchers and a beautiful, rare bird. Pause now to to complete challenge two. The first one is done for you.

Well done for doing Challenge Two. I can't wait to read your answers when you send them to me. Hey! Even I'm using conjunctions now! Remember you can email work to the school email ( or submit via class charts.

Tomorrow, we will look at descriptive language. We are going to try some new ways to describe things that should make our stories even more interesting. Have a great day everyone and stay safe!


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